Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This is not about the horse slaughter act in the US and which side of the issue in which you believe. We are interested in horses that have been taken from their home and found with the meat removed. I know this is a terrible act and we would like to find out where else in the world it may be happening.

Please pass this to your friends, list groups and associations so we can learn more about this crime.

We appreciate your help in finding other cases as we research other incidents of this terrible act against our horses.

1 comment:

  1. I was sent an alert about a 5yo, chestnut quarter horse named Ranger. He and 4 other horses were taken from a barn in Lockport, New York. They think all the horses are together somewhere. Today, one of my boarders is going to do a search by plane. On my site, is the address of the person who had her horse stolen.
